It’s not about Web Design! It’s about Business!

Over the years I’ve seen a regular misunderstanding by clients in Sydney about web design. It’s the scenario where someone focuses solely on aesthetics. And compromise everything else.
In fact with some people. Critical elements like content quality and user friendliness don’t matter one bit. All that matters is their personal vision of what it should look like. With no regard whatsoever to the needs. And expectations of their target audience.

It’s what I describe as “Flowery Syndrome”.

Points to consider:

  1. Websites are business assets. For that reason sole focus must be to achieve business objectives. They are not your own personal scrapbook.
  2. Google doesn’t rank your website in Sydney on how artistic your website design is. It doesn’t care. similarly your target audience.
  3. Also Google doesn’t care if your artwork is on a par with Sydney Opera house. They’re also not interested in literary expertise. Communicate in plain language with no ludicrous catch phrases or ambiguous cliches. 
  4. Content must engage the readers and involve them. It’s not a platform for you to give a speech about “me”.
  5. Understand that your custom website is no more than a marketing tool. Which enables you to generate business. Rank in Google search. Don’t trivialize it with self indulgent ideas. That are not related in any way to making money. Logically, why would you want to put anything on your site whatsoever that is not a business initiative? 
  6. You want stunning visuals? Then introduce great pictures relating to your business which will generate a need and desire within the user to purchase your products or services! Random pieces of meaningless artwork, (or even worse, cartoon elements) littered around your site are not going to do that. You’re just diminishing your credibility to prospective clients.
  7. You are building the website for others…..not yourself. Just because you’d like the site to have every color of the rainbow. It doesn’t mean that everybody else would! 
  8. If you’re looking for a web designer in Sydney, make sure you get one that understands how business actually works.

Website Design

Now don’t take all these points as meaning the appearance of your site doesn’t matter. Because it does! A lot!. Your website needs to have a professional appearance. It needs to be user-friendly. Certainly the content must relate to the user while delivering value to them.

When somebody visit your website you definitely need the “WOW” factor to hit them. But let’s back it up with some quality content. that actually imparts information, along with a great user experience. That scenario is infinitely preferable to introducing the useless, distracting trivia and irrelevance associated with “Flowery Syndrome”. 

Finally remember….it’s not about Web Design…’s about Business. So if you think you may be suffering from “Flowery Syndrome” contact us now at Extrateq web design in Sydney, We have the cure!

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